We’re excited to publish TRANSLATE’s second annual newsletter!

Our coordinator, Professor Justin Holmes from University College Cork (UCC), shares this welcome:
“Welcome to the second issue of the TRANSLATE project newsletter!
We are excited to share with you the progress and achievements of our team as we continue our journey towards developing a sustainable solution for converting waste heat into electricity using porous membranes.
Over the past year, our team has been hard at work, building on our previous successes since our
previous newsletter. The key highlights of our research over the past year include:
– The first optimal design of the nanochannels that will form part of the overall TRANSLATE device, based on simulation results from Technische Universität Darmstadt.
– The selection of two different materials for the fabrication of the nanofluidic membranes: anodised aluminium oxide (AAO) and cellulose.
– The functionalisation of the nanochannels – both negative and positive charges were introduced onto the inner walls of cellulose nanochannels.
– The selection of an optimised electrode and electrolyte for the battery-like thermoelectric cell of the TRANSLATE device.
The excellent project management and communications support provided by UCC Academy has been vital to the project’s success. We are grateful for their dedication and expertise in ensuring smooth coordination among our partners and facilitating effective communication within our team.
Furthermore, in the last 12 months, the TRANSLATE team met for the first time in person at our 2nd General Assembly, participated in 4 outreach events, presented project results at 7 international conferences and much more.
We invite you to stay connected with us through our Twitter and LinkedIn pages for regular updates
on our project. If you have any questions or would like to know more about TRANSLATE, please feel free to reach out to us at translate@ucc.ie.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy reading the second issue of TRANSLATE’s annual newsletter!”

Download our annual TRANSLATE project newsletter for updates on our progress in the second year, as well as recent blogs, team profiles, events, and where the idea behind TRANSLATE originated.
The newsletter was designed by the Creative Services team at UCC Academy.