We’re excited to publish TRANSLATE’s first annual newsletter, one year on from our project start.
Our coordinator, Professor Justin Holmes from University College Cork (UCC), shares this welcome:

“Welcome to the first TRANSLATE project newsletter!
Our project aims to use porous membranes to convert waste heat into electricity. 70% of all energy generated daily is lost as heat. Most current technologies are not suitable for converting low-grade heat into electricity.
There is therefore a clear need to produce a cheap and sustainable way to capture and store waste heat and use it as a source of electricity.
The TRANSLATE team has made good progress over the last 12 months. Research highlights include the fabrication of nanoporous membranes by the University of Latvia, which are essential for ‘energy harvesting’, and the design and assembly of our first TRANSLATE ‘cells’ in the lab at University College Cork, which gives an early demonstration of how our prototype device may operate. Experiments were guided by computer simulations from the team at Technische Universität Darmstadt.
Cidete, our SME partner in the project, supplied electrical modules used in these first-generation devices, whilst the team at the Tyndall National Institute have been characterising and modelling the thermal and electrical properties of materials used in the TRANSLATE cells.
Our achievements over the last year have been made possible by the great project management and
communications support provided by UCC Academy.
We hope you enjoy the newsletter and if you want to know more about TRANSLATE then please follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, or get in touch by sending an email to translate@ucc.ie.”
Download our first TRANSLATE project newsletter for updates on our progress in the first year, as well as recent blogs, team profiles, events, and where to idea behind TRANSLATE originated.
The TRANSLATE newsletter is issued annually in June between 2022 and 2025.
The newsletter was designed by the Creative Services team at UCC Academy.